Wednesday 23 January 2008

Never knew how easy Software Development and assessments were

Wednesday, how has college been today and what have I done. First was finishing the spreadsheets assessment I started a couple of weeks ago, was absent last week so couldn’t finish it, Well it’s finished now and to my delight I passed it. On completing that I started the spreadsheets assessment that was joined with the database, finished the corrections for the database side this afternoon. They are basically four sheets of paper were you leave comment as you go and print off the correct evidence.

But my favourite was the software development assessment, after finishing the program last week it had to be edited today by adding certain things , for example a student take a test with a maximum mark of 20. I had to edit the program to only accept 0 to 20 marks, if the user entered 23 the program had to tell the user to re enter a number below 20. With success I got the program to work, so the next part of the assessment is to change the documentation and put in new screenshot as evidence the program works.
So in all I am impressed.

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