Thursday 20 December 2007

Good blogging

The use of Microsoft Word is very common when I write my blog entry as it is equipped with a spell checker, meaning I can pretty much guarantee my blog is at its best. I try to vary my subjects in order to make my blog more appealing to the whole blogging community, and not to just a small area.

Below is a run down of how I blog and the process I taking in doing it.


Sitting back and thinking of ideas of what I can blog about.

Going out with my camera and taking photos of the landscape and things I feel people may find interesting. Then taking my experiences home and blog about them, so the readers can see how my college went the day the post was published.


Finding sources of interesting information so I can keep my blog up to date in order to pass the practical assessment.


Arriving home and writing about my college day, for example my assessments, how my classes went, did I learn anything new?

Writing about college tasks.

For example:

Publishing and writing about images I have taken with either my mobile or digital camera.


Often I revisit my blog entries to see whether they can be expanded further, do they inspire me to blog about something similar? For example the North East of Scotland water stream entry helped me write the Fast flowing river entry.

My conclusion is to have a blog that is:

fit for the purpose

show entries of information people enjoy reading

And most of all pass the assessment.

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