Thursday 13 December 2007

The fate of some college students

The task was to take a trip round the college and take pictures of interesting things.

The air didn’t smell right, I had a bad feeling in my stomach about this one.

Soon as we stepped out of the class room the camera jumped into life and created a photo of the corridor.

As we walked down the corridor we started to see strange things like this writing on the wall.

What was our fate going to be?

Walking a little further we heard a sound, as we turned me were faced with a lift.

Not sure what to do at this point, we figured we walk a little further towards the stairs, feeling the stairs would be a safer way down.

As we started to walk down the stairs I still had the small feeling in my stomach, as if somebody was following us down the stairs.

Making it down the stairs, we went through the door.

I heard a sound, so I looked left.

Then right!!

The fate of the others lay in these links

Steve Dean Darren Amber

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